onsdag 20 juni 2012

Roslagen Sea Race - Film

4 kommentarer:

Martin Alexandersson sa...

Nice! Båten ser fräsh ut i år!

Mvh Martin

Christoffer Mathisson sa...

Båten är vass! snyggt kört!

Cliff Bradford sa...

Magnus, nice vid. How did you mount the camera? I think you guys could clean up the backstay with a bungee to take up the slack so it doesn't get caught so much... do you 2:1 the jib sheets or use a winch?


Linus sa...

Cliff, we have mounted the camera on a 25 mm stick that fits in s flag pole holder.

We have a bungy cord for the backstay but the boat is too short compared to the boom so it doesn't fix it completely.

We use a 1:1 sheet and a trimbox with 6:1 or 8:1 for the foresail. No winch and no overridr.

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